TIP: 6 Things You Should Never Say on Facebook

TIP: 6 Things You Should Never Say on Facebook

May 11, 2024 Tips and Advertisements 0

6 Things You Should Never Say on Facebook

By Heather Harmon, Manta Marketing Manager – March 3, 2016

6 Things You Should Never Say on Facebook

“You’ll never guess this one weird trick we used to get you to read this tip.” This kind of blatant clickbait will surely annoy your audience, even on Facebook, and it could cause customers to trust you less. Instead of teasing customers with overhyped headlines, you should offer real value with your social media content.

According to Manta’s Academy course “Create the Perfect Post on Facebook,” 40 characters is the ideal length for a Facebook post. This doesn’t leave a lot of room for deep thoughts. Instead of expounding at length, you should take your customers off Facebook and direct them to your blog or website. Use your precious characters to preview your idea and leave them wanting more—aka clicking on your link. As the old adage goes, less is more.

But you need to make sure that you’re delivering on your headlines. Teasing readers with salacious clickbait then leaving them disappointed or irritated with the results when they click through will ultimately do more harm than good.

The biggest no-no’s:

  • “You’ll never guess…”
  • “You won’t believe…”
  • “This one weird trick…”
  • “You’ll only understand if…”
  • “This video will make you cry…”
  • Any question that can be answered with one word.

Curbing the urge to use clickbait will make your readers happy, engaged and likely to come back for more.

To learn more about Digital Marketing, visit the free educational courses on Manta’s Academy.