TIP: COVID-19 Recources – Some Helpful Tips During These Trying Times

TIP: COVID-19 Recources – Some Helpful Tips During These Trying Times

August 26, 2024 Tips and Advertisements 0

COVID-19 ResourcesCOVID-19 Resources

During this unprecedented time in our history. The COVID-19 pandemic has been having a major impact on our economy, health, our loved ones, businesses that we rely on daily and the way we live our lives. So as we continue to navigate this new way of life we are challenged with resources and how do we do things to get by and eat healthy. Thanks to a few emails that I’ve received I was able to compile a list of resources that may help you out! Please stay safe!

Below, are a few resources you and your loved ones may find helpful while on “lockdown:”

Grocery Delivery Services:

Publix Grocery Delivery https://delivery.publix.com/
Kroger Grocery Delivery https://www.kroger.com/i/ways-to-shop/delivery
Wal-Mart Grocery Delivery https://grocery.walmart.com/
Amazon Prime Now Grocery Delivery https://primenow.amazon.com/

Food Delivery Services:

Uber Eats https://www.ubereats.com/
DoorDash https://www.doordash.com/
GrubHub https://www.grubhub.com/
Postmates https://postmates.com/

CDCs Official Website for COVID-19 Updates:


Tips for Working at Home:





Ideas and Free Educational Materials for Kids at Home:

Scholastics Free Learn at Home Program https://classroommagazines.scholastic.com/support/learnathome.html

Khan Academy Free Learning https://docs.google.com/document/u/1/d/e/2PACX-1vSZhOdEPAWjUQpqDkVAlJrFwxxZ9Sa6zGOq0CNRms6Z7DZNq-tQWS3OhuVCUbh_-P-WmksHAzbsrk9d/pub

Crash Course YouTube Channel https://thecrashcourse.com/

Website Hosting and Building

Koehler Cyber Cafe a Website Hosting and Design Company: https://www.koehlercybercafe.com