You need a Mobile Website!

Mobile Analytics pulled from an Actual customer’s mobile website analytics report for one month in 2017
Is it time for a website overhaul? Now more than ever businesses around you are beginning to focus on creating dynamic and specific mobile website experiences directed to their customers.
As of now and for the past few years Google has been in heavy favor of mobile-friendly websites since they updated their algorithm in April of 2015 and again in March of 2016. That’s the crucial part, seeing as there have been more Google search queries on smartphones than on a desktop computer and tablets for over a year now.
Going forward Google will only continue to raise the bar for what it considers to be mobile-friendly and reflect that in it’s algorithm updates in the future. (including page load times) So if you haven’t been focusing on improving your mobile experience and you don’t want to just have a mobile friendly site, but an actual mobile site that can generate some results, you’d better prioritize your focus now or your search ranking could really begin to suffer.
Did you know that more Google searches take place on mobile devices that on computers in 10 different countries, including the U.S. and Japan? Google stated that the mobile devices do not includes tablets. Instead Google groups the tablets with the desktops due to the restricted mobility of the device. So how recently did this change take place? Google didn’t actually say, although we’ve all been expecting this for a while now. In March 2014 Matt Cutts said he “wouldn’t be surprised” if mobile search exceeded desktop queries within the year. (Wonder if that was some insider information there?)
Then in 2015 Google did it’s major Algorithm update with expanding and ever expanding Google’s friendliness in the mobile arena as the ranking signal. The updates rewards mobile-friendly websites and penalizes those that aren’t fully optimized for mobile inside the mobile search results!
If you are still thinking of mobile as a secondary priority, your business’ online presence will start to suffer, why? Because “The future of mobile is now”!
You waited for the longest time to get a website and missed the push, don’t miss this one, contact your provider now or reach out to us at Koehler Cyber Cafe and find out what it will take to create a customized and optimized mobile website for your business.